Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Organizational Structure At Moka Consists Of A Board...

The organizational structure at MOKA consists of a Board of Directors, who have the final say in any major decision. The Executive Director that is in charge of handling and maintaining the different departments within the organization, who also works on developing new areas of service, as it is important to stay ahead of the latest services. MOKA has several directors, including; Finance, Human Resources, Property, Development, and Programs. The Finance Director is in charge of the IT department, and the billing and finance departments, which consist of six employees. The Human Resource Director has three employees under them and also provides advice for the entire company on disciplinary matters. The Property Director maintains†¦show more content†¦MOKA’s process includes input from staff and individuals on the changes prior to finalizing. The Safety Committee reviews agency data/outcomes related to safety. They examine how they can improve the safety within the organization for employees and individuals served. They also review incidents and determine if the incident was a safety concern or unsafe action. The Diversity Committee assesses the needs of the agency and supports a plan to develop and promote a culturally competent work environment for the entire agency including the individuals served, employees, and the agency. What are the elements of organizational behavior that contribute to the organization’s success? The key elements of organizational behavior that contribute to MOKA’s success are the leadership, culture, company structure, and the communication. As stated in Essentials of Organizational Behavior, â€Å"An organization’s culture develops over many years and is rooted in deeply help values to which employees are strongly committed† (Robbins Judge, 2015, p.269). This quote says it all about the culture of MOKA. The leadership at MOKA is very effective due to the fact they have the ability to influence employees toward the achievement of their vision. Many of the leaders are willing to challenge the norm and push to develop future programs. The leaders at MOKA believe in training and educating theirShow MoreRelatedHonda Annual Report40362 Words   |  162 PagesFinancial Highlights To Our Shareholders Review of Operations Motorcycle Business Automobile Business Power Product and Other Businesses Financial Services Business 36 37 39 46 49 81 Preparing for the Future Risk Factors Corporate Governance Board of Directors, Corporate Auditors and Operating Officers Financial Section Corporate Information Principal Manufacturing Facilities Honda Group Honda’s History Investor Information Reports Published by Honda CSR Report This report provides an overview

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Australian Universities Should Adopt Online Learning...

Expansion in the Australian universities has been among the key issues that have been a subject of discussion for a long time. Such expansions would facilitate improvement in the learning institution and encourage further research in the country. Australian universities constitutes among the topmost universities across the globe and increasing opportunities and avenues for more students to learn would lead to expansion and introduction of more learning programs into the system (Ayoubi Massoud, 2007). To achieve the goal of being having the best international universities, there are certain policies that need to be implemented to ensure that students globally have equal chances of gaining access to the universities. The presence of†¦show more content†¦The Australian universities should also adopt the online learning procedures. A number of universities have stepped up into offering affordable online university programs to the students around the world. This is attributed to the high levels of technology that is currently on the rise. The coming age is increasingly dependent on this mode of learning, and will largely define the nature of market competition for the international universities around the globe. The above named strategies are a proper way for the universities to achieve the desired worldwide status and compete favorably in the international market. There are however, certain programs that require students to sit in classes and practically learn together with the assistance of the lecturers. Such programs would limit the application of the online strategies hence the online learning system may not be efficient for the students under this category. As a result of this, the Australian government is obliged to review its immigration policies to ensure that it allows foreign students to come and study into the universities. This will create room for more programs and expansion of the university and infrastructure. Foreign students also come with a number of knowledge and skills that if well implemented can help in greatly improving the university in terms of infrastructure. Various researches will also be stimulated by the arrival of international students and such will help inShow MoreRelatedA Critique on Sydney 2000 Olympic Games: a Project Management Perspective.1382 Words   |  6 PagesNew South Wales (NSW) government, with responsibility of providing the site for the hosting of the games. The Federal Government in-charge of the required infrastructure construction, Sydney Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (SOCOG) and Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) both overseeing the entire organization of the Olympic Games act ivities. Sydney after winning the bid to host the games, there was therefore a lot of construction projects to be undertaken. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Biomolecules Free Essays

In order for students to receive a better understanding on bimolecular, Mr.. Wilkinson had them conduct a lab on Friday in class. We will write a custom essay sample on Biomolecules or any similar topic only for you Order Now During the lab, students ere asked to mix together chemicals with elephant urine and document any Chant gees In the solutions. Depending on each alteration, students were asked to observe and decide whether or not there were any macromolecules in the substances. During our observation, many of the results came back altered in some form, meaning that macromolecules were present in the chemical. We automatically knew this when the liquids dropped on the paper bag became translucent within a few minutes, since the fats in the substance are what ma eke it see through. This came as a concern because the tests suggested that the tangent’s body is not functioning as it should. When people are sick, nutrients, macromolecules obtained through the food we eat, might pass through the b odd without being absorbed and end up being eliminated in our urine. In our Patti net’s case, lots of macromolecules were found in their urine, indicating a possible problem, and it was agreed that further testing should be done. This lab turned out to be very interesting and even proved to be quite educational. In this lab, learned the differences between negative and positive controls, and why they were significant in an experiment. Although some sets sacks How to cite Biomolecules, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Macroeconomics Aggregate Expenditures

Question: Discuss about the Macroeconomics for Aggregate Expenditures. Answer: 1.a) Aggregate Expenditures = Consumption + Government Expenditure + Investment + Net Exports A = 1300 + 150 + 200 50 = 1600 = Aggregate Expenditure B = 2400 200 150 (-50) B = 2400 + 50 350 = 2100 = Consumption Real GDP Consumption Savings Investment Government Expenditures Net Exports Taxes Aggregate Expenditures Surplus/ Shortage (Unplanned Investment) 0 500 -500 200 150 -50 100 800 -800 1000 1300 -300 200 150 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 50 100 1600 -600 2000 2100 -100 200 150 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 50 100 2400 -400 3000 2900 100 200 150 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 50 100 3200 -200 4000 3700 300 200 150 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 50 100 4000 0 5000 4500 500 200 150 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 50 100 4800 +200 Table: GDP and Aggregate Expenditure Model Source: (Created by Author) b) For the above table, it can be seen that the country is running a trade deficit, as the imports are greater than exports due to the negative sign. For domestic Trade balance, (Savings + Tax) = (Government Expenditure + Investment) + Net Exports (Savings Investments) = (Government Expenditure Tax) + Net Exports 200 = 150 100 50 = 0 This depicts that the domestic balance is also facing a balance deficit in the country. c) AE = AE + (slope of AE)*Y Slope of AE = Marginal Leakage Rate = Change in leakage rate / Change in income MLR = 800/1000 = 0.8 MLR = (1 MPE) MPE = 0.2 d) The aggregate equation of AE is given as, AE = 800 + 0.8Y e) The value of Real GDP in equilibrium is at 4000 f) This can be done using the multiplier effect such that increase in change in real GDP can be calculated. Change in Real GDP = (1/ (1-MLR)) X (Change in Government Expenditure) Change in Real GDP = (1/ (1 0.8) X (200 150) Change Real GDP = 0.5 X 50 = 250 billion dollars Increase in Real GDP from 4000 to (4000+250) that is 4250 billion dollars 2. a) The IS relation can be devised from S = I S = I Y C G = I Y 200 - 0.25 (Y T) G = 150 + 0.25Y 1000r Y 200 - 0.25 (Y 200) 250 = 150 + 0.25Y 1000r Y - 0.25Y 0.25Y + 1000r = 200 - 50 + 250 + 150 5Y + 1000r = 550 Y + 2000r = 1100 . (i) b) The LM relation can be devised from Md = Ms (M/P)d = Ms 2Y 8000r = (M/P)d 2Y 8000r = 1600 Y 4000r = 800 . (ii) c) Equating equation (i) and (ii) for equilibrium real interest rate IS = LM Y + 2000r 1100 = Y 4000r - 800 r = 300/6000 = 0.05 . (iii) d) For level of output, we take equation (i) and substitute value of equation (iii) Y + 2000r = 1100 Y = 1100 2000 X 300/6000 Y = 1100 100 Y = 1000 = Level of output e) Value of C, I and G C = 200 + 0.25 (Y T) = 200 + 0.25 (1000 200) = 200 + 0.25 (800) = 200+200 = 400 I = 150 + 0.25Y 1000r = 150 + 0.25*1000 1000*300/6000 = 150 + 250 50 = 350 After calculation, C + I + G = Y 400 + 350 +250 = 1000 = Y = Level of Output f) Now, M/P = 1840 Then, the changes will be made in the money market. (M/P)d = Ms 2Y 8000r = (M/P)d 2Y 8000r = 1840 Y 4000r = 920 . (iv) Equating equation (i) and (iv) for equilibrium real interest rate, we get IS = LM Y + 2000r 1100 = Y 4000r - 920 r = 180/6000 = 0.03 . (v) For level of output, we take equation (i) and substitute value of equation (v) Y + 2000r = 1100 Y = 1100 2000 X 180/6000 Y = 1100 60 Y = 1040 = Level of output Value of C and I C = 200 + 0.25 (Y T) = 200 + 0.25 (1040 200) = 200 + 0.25 (840) = 200+210 = 410 I = 150 + 0.25Y 1000r = 150 + 0.25*1040 1000*180/6000 = 150 + 260 30 = 380 According to the changes in monetary expansion, the interest rate has decreased, level of output has increased and level of consumption has even increased. However, the change of consumption is more than the level of output in this scenario. g) Now, government spending has been increased to 400 Then, the changes will be made in the goods market. The IS relation can be devised from S = I S = I Y C G = I Y 200 - 0.25 (Y T) 400 = 150 + 0.25Y 1000r Y 200 - 0.25 (Y 200) 400 = 150 + 0.25Y 1000r Y - 0.25Y 0.25Y + 1000r = 200 - 50 + 400 + 150 5Y + 1000r = 1400 Y + 2000r = 1400 . (vi) Equating equation (vi) and (ii) for equilibrium real interest rate IS = LM Y + 2000r 1400 = Y 4000r - 800 r = 600/6000 = 0.01 . (vii) For level of output, we take equation (vi) and substitute value of equation (vii) Y + 2000r = 1400 Y = 1400 2000 X 600/6000 Y = 1400 200 Y = 1200 = Level of output Value of C and I C = 200 + 0.25 (Y T) = 200 + 0.25 (1200 200) = 200 + 0.25 (1000) = 200 + 250 = 450 I = 150 + 0.25Y 1000r = 150 + 0.25*1200 1000*600/6000 = 150 + 300 100 = 350 According to the changes in fiscal expansion, the interest rate has decreased to a significant level, level of output has increased considerably whereas the investment has been the same and level of consumption has even increased. However, the change of consumption is more than the level of output due to increase in the government spending.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Beethoven Annotated Biblography free essay sample

Ludwig Van Beethoven An Annotated Bibliography All These Notes Dont Pay My Needs Beethoven-Hausa Bonn. Beethoven-Hausa Bonn, n. D. Web. 15 cot. 2010. This article is named from a quote taken directly from Beethoven. It details the composers financial situation throughout his life. Included are the events that had impact on Beethovens finances, the value of money, cost of living, and inflation. Beethoven-Hausa Bonn is a museum located in the birth house of Beethoven. Information is based on documents onsite. Aridly, Neil. Music, an Illustrated Encyclopedia. New York, NY: Facts on File, 1986.Print. Gives all the pertinent details or a novice In classical music. Distinguishes the differences In types of music written by a composer. Lists the most popular works by Beethoven according to the kind of piece that was composed. While this source was not solely on Beethoven it pertained to my research in helping me gain a better understanding when reading about his works. We will write a custom essay sample on Beethoven Annotated Biblography or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The author was a composer and teacher. His goal was to give a basic education and knowledge about different genres of music, but his area of expertise was classical music. Barron, James. Beethoven May Not Have Died of Lead Poisoning, After All. New York Times. 29 May 2010. OBESE. Be. 15 cot. 2010. Article that discusses recent findings on the lead levels In Beethovens skull fragments. The testing found that the lead levels were not at all above normal. Also noteworthy is that the two fragments tested had a wide difference with the smaller of the two having a larger amount of lead. The doctor could not give a reason for the difference. The New York Times Is a trusted news source. The article confirmed the mystery surrounding the cause of Beethovens death remains unsolved.Schwarzenegger, Ingrain. Beethoven and Other Composers, Artists and Thinkers. Ludwig van Beethoven the Magnificent Master. Rapture Association for Music Appreciation, n. D. Web. 15 cot. 2010. This section of the site explores the connections and similarities of Beethoven to other great composers, thinkers, and artists. The list includes Handel, Bach, Schubert, Wagner, and most interesting of all, Frederica Nietzsche. Lesser known information about Nietzsche composing music and self study of Beethovens teacher Johann George Elaboratenesss Is also looked at.The Rapture Association website is written and maintained by Ingrain Schwarzenegger, a biographical musical writer. Her site is recommended by many and considered an authoritative source for information on Beethoven. Areas of his life that do not have much documentation or can only be speculated on are clearly labeled. Brand, Rick. 18th Century Composers. History 1700%. N. P, n. D. Web. 11 Cot. 2010 This source gives basic overview information pertaining to all areas of the 18th century including major composers of the time, such as Ludwig Van Beethoven. Included were the basic details of Beethovens life and the influence he had on the Classical Era. The site gave context to the time that Beethoven lived In. The site also provides links to other in-depth sources. The editor of the website is a OFF Interest is the eighteenth century. Mr.. Brainerd also served as the About. Com guide to Eighteenth Century History. Chug, D.. Beethovens Other Humanism. Journal of the American Musicological Society 62. 3 (2009): 571-646. Research Library, Prosiest. N.B.. 16 cot. 2010. This article examines the merit of Beethovens identity as a Promethean Hero.Comparing him to the Titan god that tricked the other gods numerous times to better mankind, whom he was responsible for molding. The idea is that Beethoven used his music to free people of the time from church influence and further Enlightenment thinking. This article was peer reviewed. The American Musicological Society reviews articles submitted to ensure scholarly research. Dean, Jeremy. Depression Lifted by thieving Piano Sonatas -? Gobble. Psychology Studies Relevant to Everyday Life from gobble. Web. 16 cot. 2010.Blob that cited an experiment to see if classical music helps in treating depression as it does in many other areas. The subjects listened to Piano Sonatas 3 and 5 for 15 minutes twice per week. The subjects depression scores went down a significant amount concluding that the music indeed has value in the treatment of depression. He article only stated the findings of the study. The author uses studies that have been published in reputable academic Journals and is a researcher at the University College London. Doc Linked to Composers Demise. Current Science 93. 2007): 15. Academic Search Complete. OBESE. Web. 16 Cot. 2010. Forensic scientist, Christian Ritter, tests Beethovens hair for lead. He measured the lead levels in the hair at specific times and found that the spikes matched with the times that Beethovens doctor prescribed treatment. He concluded that the medicines prescribed were probably laden with lead which was not uncommon at the time. This Nas a peer reviewed article. It was accessed through Galileo. Lane, William. The Hellishnesss Testament. Beethoven: The Immortal. N. P, 16 Jan. 2006. Web. 11 Cot. 010 This section of the site contains a letter known as the Hellishnesss Testament. It Nas written by Beethoven to his brothers, Carl and Johann, on October 6, 1802. It gives context to all that I have read about his demeanor in other sources as he describes his despair and eccentric behavior. He was completely embarrassed by his hearing loss and on the brink of suicide, only holding back because of his music. This site is dedicated to everything Beethoven. Much of the biographical content lines up with other sources. Ludwig Van Beethoven. Listen to Classical Music on Classical Archives: Home.Web. 15 Cot. 2010. Classical Archives is a site dedicated to cataloguing classical works of all eras. It included a list of all of dovecotes works and access to many recordings of his most famous pieces. Music that accompanied descriptions of his work enhanced the learning experience. The editors and contributors of Classical Archives are experts in their respective fields. Ere content of the site is merely to educate. Martin, Russell. Beethovens Hair. New fork: Broadway, 2000. Print. This book tells the story of a lock of hair that was cut from Beethovens head shortly after he died. How it finally ended up in American and ultimately was forensically tested to determine the cause of Beethovens life of illness and eventual hearing loss. The verity of the hair belonging to Beethoven was his grave. Reviewed by Kirks Reviews which employs critics that specialize in the topic they review. The author worked closely with all people involved with the lock of hair who helped during the writing process to ensure accuracy. Mathew, N.. Beethovens Political Music, the Handling Sublime, and the Aesthetics of Prostration. Nineteenth Century Music 33. 2 (2009): 110-151.Research Library, Prosiest. Web. 16 cot. 2010. This article claims that there are many unrecognized attributes of his works. Particularly that his so called political pieces have been marginalia. It also touches on the late composers affinity for Handel and how he was influenced by his Choral works. The article was peer reviewed. Obtained through Galileo. McMillan, left, and Donna Stuttgart. Beethovens Miss Solemn. ITS Home. California Institute of Technology, n. . Web. 16 Cot 2010. 2010. Website to educate on the history and purpose of the mass Miss Solemn.The site also touches briefly on the composers religious views. Beethoven was not a regular attended of Mass, and his exact views are not clear except that he did believe in a higher power. The website is to be used as part of a collection of documents by Tom Enema, a lecturer at the California Institute of Technology. It was referenced by other sources that gave validity to the content of the site. Organ, At. Beethoven: His Life and times. Neptune City, NJ: Paginating Publications, 1980. Print. This book is an informative guide to Beethovens life in a simple to read format.It gives basic information as well as a view into the living conditions Beethoven was born into and his rise in society. There are also many descriptions of the master composer from close sources including his legendary predecessors, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Joseph Haydn. The descriptions of Beethoven gave more meaning to his character and uncovered some of his idiosyncrasies. The author is lecturer and concert director. The details about Beethovens life corroborated Ninth the sources listed. Thayer, Alexander Hellhole. , and Elliot Forbes.Theaters Life of Beethoven. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1967. Print. This book is a comprehensive biography of the life and works of Beethoven. It gives intimate details of his life year by year from the age of 14 until his death in Included are personal letters written by Beethoven giving the reader more 1827. Insight to his personality. Alexander Thayer was committed to writing this biography Ninth as much factual historical detail as possible. He immersed himself in the world In which Beethoven lived gaining knowledge from personal acquaintances.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Vietnam Essay Example

Vietnam Essay Example Vietnam Essay Vietnam Essay BIBLIOGRAPHY Author| URL| Retrieved| Skwirk| skwirk. com. au/p-t_s-14_u-116_t-316/the-impact-of-the-war/nsw/history/australia-in-the-vietnam-war-era| 13/7| Vietnam War Commemoration| http://vietnam-war. commemoration. gov. au/ | 13/7| Vietnam War Commemoration| http://vietnam-war. commemoration. gov. au/public-opinion/index. php| 14/7| Vietnam War Commemoration| http://vietnam-war. commemoration. gov. au/conscription/save-our-sons. php| 14/7| Shrine| shrine. org. u/getattachment/dc8b4c54-ca76-488d-9ffe-4c11ec2852fc/vce-vietnam-war. aspx | 14/7| Moratorium Movement| rmwebed. com. au/web_resources/y10history/vietnam_war/10. html| 14/7| Write Work| writework. com/essay/impact-vietnam-war-australia| 14/7| Skwirk| skwirk. com. au/p-c_s-14_u-116_t-315_c-1062/supporters-of-the-war/nsw/supporters-of-the-war/australia-in-the-vietnam-war-era/responses-of-various-groups| 15/7| Australian War Memorial| awm. gov. au/atwar/vietnam. sp| 23/7| Wikipedia| http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Conscrip tion_in_Australia| 23/7| Vietnam War 1962-1975 * From the arrival of the first fleet, Vietnam was a divisive issue * Australia deployed a total of 60000 troops, 521 died and 3000 were wounded * In reflection, Vietnam is described as the cause of the greatest political and social dissent and upheaval * Many draft resisters, conscientious objectors, and protesters were fined or jailed, while soldiers met a hostile reception on their return home. The experience of Vietnam lingered with the soldiers for long after they returned home. Social Impacts: * Public response went through several stages during the war. * Early on, when Australia’s involvement was minimal with only the role of training Vietnamese soldiers, public opinion was less critical, troops only sent to physically fight in 1965, they were just training South Vietnamese soldiers form 1962 onwards * Many, as was the trend in the early 60s, began to embrace the US connection and hence support resulted * Most agreed with the threat of the communist domino affect(although Menzies masterminded a lot of this), which also led to the acceptance of Australian involvement in the early 60s * Also, in the early 60s, Australia was still very conservative, and the idea of rebellion and challenging authority only set in later in the decade and the 70s. This meant that early on many cautioned from questioning the government’s decision. * As much as war wasn’t ideal, in the early parts, before conscription, Australian’s accepted the war or paid little attention as the Australians fighting were soldiers who joined the Army * The socially divisive impact of Vietnam showed up post 1964 when the National Service Act was introduced. This had the ramifications of sending unwilling Australians to war. Draft resistors who were deemed to not have legitimate excuses were jailed on failing to comply with the National Service Act * They were released in 1972 when Whitlam ended conscription * The amendment of the Act in 1965 confirmed the inevitable that national servants could be deployed overseas, to Vietnam. * First time, an Australian was conscripted to fight outside of Aust. erritory * Socially, some disagreed more with the notion of conscription than the war itself, this maybe hinted at the fact that communist disconten tment was still strong and the Domino theory was real, just not strong enough to make people overlook personal freedoms. * This led to anti-war and anti-conscription protest groups including * DENNIS TEXT * YCAC-Youth Campaign Against Conscription. 1964-7 SOS-Save our Sons. * Formed by parent groups who didn’t want their sons sent to Vietnam. * Formed in 1965, Australia wide, mainly female dominated agency. * Women were accused of being ‘bad mothers’ and communists when they approached MPs or authority * SOS saw many Liberal voters shift to the Labor camp. SOS was one of the first theatres that allowed women expression. * Basically saw ‘everyday suburban’ women become nvolved in politics and taking action to influence political decisions * The women’s movement of the 70s benefitted from anti-conscription lobby groups such as SOS * Draft Resistance Movement. Formed 1968 * The Committee for Defiance of the National Service Act. Formed 1969 * Vie tnam Moratorium Movement * Formed in 1970, by then Vietnam was the longest war we had served in * Took form of peaceful protests involving many Australians from all states. This highlighted the growing opposition, and to some extent shocked the government * ALP, and Gough fed of this massive public demonstration * Moratorium events were on a massive scale and largely peaceful, these demonstrations seemed to have a larger impact on government and political change. The government realised that, non-radical Australians had strong feelings about the war. * Really instigated the decline of Aust. Involvement in the war * The fact that every night, the horrors of Vietnam were broadcasted on Aust. elevision sets, the movement gathered motion * The Movement galvanised the people, the less radical who wouldn’t normally protest, protested such was the intense feelings about the war * This movement actively campaigned for two causes; the abolishment of conscription and the withdrawal of troops from Vietnam * Politically influenced the Labor parties win of the 1972 election, ending 23 years of Liberal rule * Interestingly, only in 1969 however did an opinion poll suggest that a majority opposed the war itself. Up until then, the outcry was mainly rooted in the issue of conscription rather than conflict itself * However, as unrest grew, many anti-conscript groups became anti-war in the hope that only the end of the war would end conscription. * Another massive catalyst for anti-conscript protests was the reporting of the war. * Vietnam is considered the first ‘live war’ where the atrocities occurring were being broadcasted into Australian living rooms. This made sending young Australians into war against their will even more illegitimate. This also led to a questioning of whether this was was ‘just’, or being undertaken in the most human way possible. * This had the effect of also turning many anti-conscript groups, to become anti-war altogether. The fact that Vietnam was ‘live’ also helped the demise of the Liberal government as people had direct evidence to question what the government was getting Australia and particularly our young men into. Follow ing the Labor victory, and Gough Whitlam’s order for withdrawal, social impact for the returning soldiers would ensue * Trade Unions also opposed the war, they labelled it ‘blood for Dollars’ or ‘diggers for dollars’ because they believed we were only fighting to the US would maintain its investment into Australia. This view was not entirely correct * By the latter stages, the larger majority of opposition came from university students. At first, the reaction was modest and many just viewed the war along their preferred political party lines * However, following conscription, uni students began to come out in full force. Some of this sentiment began to be shared in the wider community as the war progressed into the late 60s * One of the major social impacts of the war was the fate of the returned soldiers. Due to the public nature of Vietnam and the atrocities that Australian people witnessed the veterans were not lauded in the same fashion as previous war vets * This was a massive change from before when the ANZACs were treated as heroes * The tragedy of this was that as much as the Aust. People were effected by what they saw, the actual soldiers were scarred far more significantly by what they experienced first hand. * This compounded the negative experience of the returned soldiers as not only where they marginalised they had no-one but each other that could understand what they’d gone through. * These impacts lasted for much longer after the final Aust. Troops returned in 1972. * This has implications for continuity and change as following Vietnam, for the first time national servants and soldiers weren’t treated with the same admiration. The ANZAC reverence that seemed to follow previous veterans didn’t occur with our Vietnam veterans. * This was a massive change in our attitudes towards the army Political Impacts: * On face value, it’s easy to say Vietnam cost the Liberal party government after 23 years of rule * However on closer inspection it is clear that the political consensus on Vietnam varied between 1965-1972 * White Australia Policy ended in 1972 * We opened our borders to non-white refugees. This in itself was cohesive and divisive. Many of these refugees fought alongside our soldiers but we still had this fear of non-white immigrants threatening the ‘Aust. Way of life’ * Discontent politically only really came with Menzies introduction of Conscription on 1964. * However, Holt won the November 1966 election in a massive victory, highlighting that social discontent was not at its peak. Conscription peaked later * The political effect of Vietnam also became more prominent post 1967 when Edward Gough Whitlam became leader of the opposition. He lead a fierce campaign against conscription which captivated a swing of Liberal voters to the Labor party * This is when the protest movement as well peaked and was in full flight * 1969 election, under Gorton highlighted the swing of voters. From the ALPs flogging of 1966 they increased their share in the House of Reps from 41 to 59 seats highlighting the change in votes. * The Liberal advantage was only 7 seats now * Whitlam would go on to win the 1972 election with promises of withdrawal from Vietnam and the abolishment of conscription. The political landscape was finally shifting to progressivism after many years on conservative rule. This also began to happen on a state level * WA, NSW, TAS and SA all went from Liberal to Labour in elections between 1972-1975 shortly after the war * The Liberal’s National Services Act, was the single policy that really brought about the downfall of the Government * In terms of Political party support, the all major parties supported the war early on * Liberal support continued throughout * The DLP were very anti-communist so also supported the war. The ALP slowly began to oppose the war, as a means of attacking the government and also their disapproval also spiked when conscription was introduced * Gough Whitlam no doubt used the divisive nature, and ALPs disapproval of Vietnam to the most advantage. * Trade Unions also opposed the war, they labelled it ‘blood for Dollars’ or Ã¢â‚¬Ë œdiggers for dollars’ because they believed we were only fighting to the US would maintain its investment into Australia. This view was not entirely correct VIEWPOINTS ON THE VIETNAM WAR At the start of the period(1962) the perspective was that sending willing soldiers(not conscripts) was fine * Early on, when Australia’s involvement was minimal with only the role of training Vietnamese soldiers, public opinion was less critical, troops only sent to physically fight in 1965, they were just training South Vietnamese soldiers form 1962 onwards * We had to protect ourselves from the communist menace as well as honour our obligations as port of SEATO and ANZUS * Menzies masterminded a lot of the fear that convinced us that war was right * We were still quite conservative, trusted govt decisions * The gruesome nature of the war was not yet revelealed At Menzies announcement of sending troops in 1965, many different perspectives on the conflict emerged. Some more valid than others. * A lot thought communism was worth fighting against but found that conscripting to do so undermined other rights that were held dearly in a modern democracy * This fuelled anti-conscription protests as the reality that young men unwillingly could be sent to Vietnam. Most anti-war groups played on the injustice that this exemplified. * Importantly, the horrors of Vietnam exposed through media had not yet peaked so the atrocities that were taking place weren’t as well known about which led to that not being such a big anti-war factor. Some factions believed that training up a military was justifiable as we had done from 1962-65, but fighting for the South Vietnamese in what was really Vietnam’s civil war was not right. The idea of getting involved in other people’s business emerged * The Government claimed that as part of our SEATO agreement we were obligated to assist the fight against communism in South East Asia, i. e Vietnam. * The grey area with this is that, what does ‘assisting’ constitute? Was training the army enough or should we be physically fighting for the anti-communist forces. CONTINUITY AND CHANGE * CHANGE * During and following Vietnam, Australians began to question authority more. Beforehand, they were well trained to trust the governments judgement, but what Vietnam revealed was that governments aren’t always right * This questioning came to full voice during the Vietnam protests but overall the experience changed Australia into a more progressive country that no longer was content to swallow everything the government told them * This represented change as previously, we were much more conservative * The exposure to ‘speaking out’ gained from the late 60s during the Vietnam years also may have had some impact on the social movements that picked up in the late 60s, early 70s(lagging behind America) * Women probably benefitted most as movements such as SOS, gave them a voice and they continued to use that to instigate change in the 70s * The general shift from conservatism was highlighted politically as well as socially. Vietnam played a major factor in Whitlam and the ALP winning government for the first time in 23 years in 1972. Political change * The change was also solidified on a state level as WA, NSW, SA and Tasmania all elected Labor governments in elections between 1972-1975 s hortly after the war. Highlighting the progressivism emerging Australia wide * People wanted change with Vietnam, and to an extent the White Australia policy and Whitlam delivered that. Also note that many too were uncomfortable with the end of White Australia as well. * The attitudes towards soldiers and veterans changed significantly for the worst. No longer where they held in such high esteem amongst society * The tragedy of this was that most of them were in desperate need for help and received little to no support other than from the RSL. * This was the first ‘live war’ as some called it. For the first time, citizens had a relatively clear understanding of what occurred in the battlefields * CONTINUITY * The war emphasised the continuation of ANZUS. We stayed with the US right till the end effectively with us withdrawing in ‘72, a year before the last US troops * Despite the political outcry, politically we were still militarily tied to the US. We still are today * Second war with the US, first Korea then Vietnam GROUPS AFFECTED * ABORIGINALS * Aboriginals were exempt from national service, many didn’t even know their birthdate so including them in a fair ballot was difficult * The Department for Labour and National Service (DLNS) pushed for the removal of exemption but it never happened as only some states had accurate birth records and some didn’t making conscription difficult. * VETERANS * Received little support after the war * Weren’t lauded as national heroes like the ANZACS were * Suffered from mental trauma * YOUTHS The war inspired them and affected them greatly to make them speak out on a large scale for the first time in history * One of the largest groups that embodied the progressive cultu re that was emerging * Vietnam, and the distrust of government fuelled their rebellion against authority during the 60s and 70s * FAMILIES * WOMEN * Had a greater influence on politics for the first time * Definitely, they gained confidence from their first exposure to speaking out COHESION: * Youths voice * Youths gained a greater expression in society; this was seen by their major roles in demonstrations. * This impact however can also be seen as a divisive argument because a link to the new ‘teenage rebellion’ that followed Vietnam is quite noticeable * Women’s new status * Similarly to youths, women gained a new voice and expression during Vietnam. * Never before had they been so active in making their views on political policies known. This was the first time effectively where their actions influenced policy this was seen by the effect groups like SOS etc. had on shifting power form the Liberals to the ALP. T * his newfound voice gave them confidence to push for other reforms in the women’s movement. * The Vietnam war changed the status of women in society forever and widely this was accepted as a good thing. * Progressive mindset * Vietnam brought out a new progressive mindset in Australians that had barely seen the light of day under the conservative rule of the Menzies government. * Vietnam made people more judgmental and progressive in their thinking as the war made them realise that they shouldn’t swallow everything the government tells them. This change was evident by the swing of voters to the ALP and away from Liberal * Australia was never going to be as conservative * This was on the whole a good thing but opinion would still be split as the overall effect was that now government’s had less influence as people were now thinking for themselves * This idea of ‘thinking for yourselves’ scared some conservatives. * The change was evident in Federal politics with Whitlam’s election in 1972, but also on a state level the shift was taking place * WA, NSW, TAS and SA all went from Liberal to Labour in elections between 1972-1975 shortly after the war * DIVISIVE: * The treatment of returned Servicemen * This was a major issue Many of the retuned soldiers weren’t lauded as heroes * Some of them felt the cold treatment was unjust especially seeing some were forced(conscripted) to fight * Conscription: * Most divisive aspect other than maybe the war itself * Divisive on a few levels * Limited rights * Sent soldiers into one of the most atrocious battlefields, the public knew this because of what the media showed them * Left them scarred even after they came home. * The War itself: * Chemical weapons * The media brought this side of the war to peoples living rooms * Scarring of soldiers * Conscription * Removal of rights * ethics * How ethical was it to be getting over involved in Vietnams own civil

Thursday, November 21, 2019

CRJ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

CRJ - Essay Example There are several examples which serve as proof for the fact that children raised in households by parents who had previously committed suicides or crimes like the report in the San Diego Union Tribune about two step-brothers, whose father had committed suicide, strangling and chopping off their mother’s body. In another case a two brothers attacked their father with a baseball and followed it by setting the house on fire in order to hide the evidence. They were raised in a foster home as their mother left them and were later returned to the custody of their father as the foster parents were unable to handle them (Morse, 2003). There are several theories that support the fact that children who are raised without a father lacked maturity and in their later years they tend to assert their maleness by committing acts of delinquency. In the 1920s boys who were lodged in reformatories in New York majorly hailed from broken homes (Juvenile Delinquency, n.d). Morse has also stated that a 1994 report from the Wisconsin Department of Health and Social Service found that a majority of juvenile delinquents came from broken families or single-parents homes (Morse, 2003). The explanation given to such problems was greater exposure to criminal activities due to parental conflicts or other reasons such as alcoholism and drugs in single-parent households. Additionally in single parent households, the parent finds it difficult to supervise and control their child and prevent them from engaging in criminal activities. There is a general lack of family interaction in such households which are further burdened by emotional an d economic problems. Another criteria pointed out by Morse is the lack of educational attainment by children raised by single parents who drop out of school early. This in turn encourages them to engage in criminal activities in order to make a living. A similar