Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Organizational Structure At Moka Consists Of A Board...

The organizational structure at MOKA consists of a Board of Directors, who have the final say in any major decision. The Executive Director that is in charge of handling and maintaining the different departments within the organization, who also works on developing new areas of service, as it is important to stay ahead of the latest services. MOKA has several directors, including; Finance, Human Resources, Property, Development, and Programs. The Finance Director is in charge of the IT department, and the billing and finance departments, which consist of six employees. The Human Resource Director has three employees under them and also provides advice for the entire company on disciplinary matters. The Property Director maintains†¦show more content†¦MOKA’s process includes input from staff and individuals on the changes prior to finalizing. The Safety Committee reviews agency data/outcomes related to safety. They examine how they can improve the safety within the organization for employees and individuals served. They also review incidents and determine if the incident was a safety concern or unsafe action. The Diversity Committee assesses the needs of the agency and supports a plan to develop and promote a culturally competent work environment for the entire agency including the individuals served, employees, and the agency. What are the elements of organizational behavior that contribute to the organization’s success? The key elements of organizational behavior that contribute to MOKA’s success are the leadership, culture, company structure, and the communication. As stated in Essentials of Organizational Behavior, â€Å"An organization’s culture develops over many years and is rooted in deeply help values to which employees are strongly committed† (Robbins Judge, 2015, p.269). This quote says it all about the culture of MOKA. The leadership at MOKA is very effective due to the fact they have the ability to influence employees toward the achievement of their vision. Many of the leaders are willing to challenge the norm and push to develop future programs. The leaders at MOKA believe in training and educating theirShow MoreRelatedHonda Annual Report40362 Words   |  162 PagesFinancial Highlights To Our Shareholders Review of Operations Motorcycle Business Automobile Business Power Product and Other Businesses Financial Services Business 36 37 39 46 49 81 Preparing for the Future Risk Factors Corporate Governance Board of Directors, Corporate Auditors and Operating Officers Financial Section Corporate Information Principal Manufacturing Facilities Honda Group Honda’s History Investor Information Reports Published by Honda CSR Report This report provides an overview

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Australian Universities Should Adopt Online Learning...

Expansion in the Australian universities has been among the key issues that have been a subject of discussion for a long time. Such expansions would facilitate improvement in the learning institution and encourage further research in the country. Australian universities constitutes among the topmost universities across the globe and increasing opportunities and avenues for more students to learn would lead to expansion and introduction of more learning programs into the system (Ayoubi Massoud, 2007). To achieve the goal of being having the best international universities, there are certain policies that need to be implemented to ensure that students globally have equal chances of gaining access to the universities. The presence of†¦show more content†¦The Australian universities should also adopt the online learning procedures. A number of universities have stepped up into offering affordable online university programs to the students around the world. This is attributed to the high levels of technology that is currently on the rise. The coming age is increasingly dependent on this mode of learning, and will largely define the nature of market competition for the international universities around the globe. The above named strategies are a proper way for the universities to achieve the desired worldwide status and compete favorably in the international market. There are however, certain programs that require students to sit in classes and practically learn together with the assistance of the lecturers. Such programs would limit the application of the online strategies hence the online learning system may not be efficient for the students under this category. As a result of this, the Australian government is obliged to review its immigration policies to ensure that it allows foreign students to come and study into the universities. This will create room for more programs and expansion of the university and infrastructure. Foreign students also come with a number of knowledge and skills that if well implemented can help in greatly improving the university in terms of infrastructure. Various researches will also be stimulated by the arrival of international students and such will help inShow MoreRelatedA Critique on Sydney 2000 Olympic Games: a Project Management Perspective.1382 Words   |  6 PagesNew South Wales (NSW) government, with responsibility of providing the site for the hosting of the games. The Federal Government in-charge of the required infrastructure construction, Sydney Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (SOCOG) and Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) both overseeing the entire organization of the Olympic Games act ivities. Sydney after winning the bid to host the games, there was therefore a lot of construction projects to be undertaken. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Biomolecules Free Essays

In order for students to receive a better understanding on bimolecular, Mr.. Wilkinson had them conduct a lab on Friday in class. We will write a custom essay sample on Biomolecules or any similar topic only for you Order Now During the lab, students ere asked to mix together chemicals with elephant urine and document any Chant gees In the solutions. Depending on each alteration, students were asked to observe and decide whether or not there were any macromolecules in the substances. During our observation, many of the results came back altered in some form, meaning that macromolecules were present in the chemical. We automatically knew this when the liquids dropped on the paper bag became translucent within a few minutes, since the fats in the substance are what ma eke it see through. This came as a concern because the tests suggested that the tangent’s body is not functioning as it should. When people are sick, nutrients, macromolecules obtained through the food we eat, might pass through the b odd without being absorbed and end up being eliminated in our urine. In our Patti net’s case, lots of macromolecules were found in their urine, indicating a possible problem, and it was agreed that further testing should be done. This lab turned out to be very interesting and even proved to be quite educational. In this lab, learned the differences between negative and positive controls, and why they were significant in an experiment. Although some sets sacks How to cite Biomolecules, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Macroeconomics Aggregate Expenditures

Question: Discuss about the Macroeconomics for Aggregate Expenditures. Answer: 1.a) Aggregate Expenditures = Consumption + Government Expenditure + Investment + Net Exports A = 1300 + 150 + 200 50 = 1600 = Aggregate Expenditure B = 2400 200 150 (-50) B = 2400 + 50 350 = 2100 = Consumption Real GDP Consumption Savings Investment Government Expenditures Net Exports Taxes Aggregate Expenditures Surplus/ Shortage (Unplanned Investment) 0 500 -500 200 150 -50 100 800 -800 1000 1300 -300 200 150 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 50 100 1600 -600 2000 2100 -100 200 150 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 50 100 2400 -400 3000 2900 100 200 150 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 50 100 3200 -200 4000 3700 300 200 150 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 50 100 4000 0 5000 4500 500 200 150 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 50 100 4800 +200 Table: GDP and Aggregate Expenditure Model Source: (Created by Author) b) For the above table, it can be seen that the country is running a trade deficit, as the imports are greater than exports due to the negative sign. For domestic Trade balance, (Savings + Tax) = (Government Expenditure + Investment) + Net Exports (Savings Investments) = (Government Expenditure Tax) + Net Exports 200 = 150 100 50 = 0 This depicts that the domestic balance is also facing a balance deficit in the country. c) AE = AE + (slope of AE)*Y Slope of AE = Marginal Leakage Rate = Change in leakage rate / Change in income MLR = 800/1000 = 0.8 MLR = (1 MPE) MPE = 0.2 d) The aggregate equation of AE is given as, AE = 800 + 0.8Y e) The value of Real GDP in equilibrium is at 4000 f) This can be done using the multiplier effect such that increase in change in real GDP can be calculated. Change in Real GDP = (1/ (1-MLR)) X (Change in Government Expenditure) Change in Real GDP = (1/ (1 0.8) X (200 150) Change Real GDP = 0.5 X 50 = 250 billion dollars Increase in Real GDP from 4000 to (4000+250) that is 4250 billion dollars 2. a) The IS relation can be devised from S = I S = I Y C G = I Y 200 - 0.25 (Y T) G = 150 + 0.25Y 1000r Y 200 - 0.25 (Y 200) 250 = 150 + 0.25Y 1000r Y - 0.25Y 0.25Y + 1000r = 200 - 50 + 250 + 150 5Y + 1000r = 550 Y + 2000r = 1100 . (i) b) The LM relation can be devised from Md = Ms (M/P)d = Ms 2Y 8000r = (M/P)d 2Y 8000r = 1600 Y 4000r = 800 . (ii) c) Equating equation (i) and (ii) for equilibrium real interest rate IS = LM Y + 2000r 1100 = Y 4000r - 800 r = 300/6000 = 0.05 . (iii) d) For level of output, we take equation (i) and substitute value of equation (iii) Y + 2000r = 1100 Y = 1100 2000 X 300/6000 Y = 1100 100 Y = 1000 = Level of output e) Value of C, I and G C = 200 + 0.25 (Y T) = 200 + 0.25 (1000 200) = 200 + 0.25 (800) = 200+200 = 400 I = 150 + 0.25Y 1000r = 150 + 0.25*1000 1000*300/6000 = 150 + 250 50 = 350 After calculation, C + I + G = Y 400 + 350 +250 = 1000 = Y = Level of Output f) Now, M/P = 1840 Then, the changes will be made in the money market. (M/P)d = Ms 2Y 8000r = (M/P)d 2Y 8000r = 1840 Y 4000r = 920 . (iv) Equating equation (i) and (iv) for equilibrium real interest rate, we get IS = LM Y + 2000r 1100 = Y 4000r - 920 r = 180/6000 = 0.03 . (v) For level of output, we take equation (i) and substitute value of equation (v) Y + 2000r = 1100 Y = 1100 2000 X 180/6000 Y = 1100 60 Y = 1040 = Level of output Value of C and I C = 200 + 0.25 (Y T) = 200 + 0.25 (1040 200) = 200 + 0.25 (840) = 200+210 = 410 I = 150 + 0.25Y 1000r = 150 + 0.25*1040 1000*180/6000 = 150 + 260 30 = 380 According to the changes in monetary expansion, the interest rate has decreased, level of output has increased and level of consumption has even increased. However, the change of consumption is more than the level of output in this scenario. g) Now, government spending has been increased to 400 Then, the changes will be made in the goods market. The IS relation can be devised from S = I S = I Y C G = I Y 200 - 0.25 (Y T) 400 = 150 + 0.25Y 1000r Y 200 - 0.25 (Y 200) 400 = 150 + 0.25Y 1000r Y - 0.25Y 0.25Y + 1000r = 200 - 50 + 400 + 150 5Y + 1000r = 1400 Y + 2000r = 1400 . (vi) Equating equation (vi) and (ii) for equilibrium real interest rate IS = LM Y + 2000r 1400 = Y 4000r - 800 r = 600/6000 = 0.01 . (vii) For level of output, we take equation (vi) and substitute value of equation (vii) Y + 2000r = 1400 Y = 1400 2000 X 600/6000 Y = 1400 200 Y = 1200 = Level of output Value of C and I C = 200 + 0.25 (Y T) = 200 + 0.25 (1200 200) = 200 + 0.25 (1000) = 200 + 250 = 450 I = 150 + 0.25Y 1000r = 150 + 0.25*1200 1000*600/6000 = 150 + 300 100 = 350 According to the changes in fiscal expansion, the interest rate has decreased to a significant level, level of output has increased considerably whereas the investment has been the same and level of consumption has even increased. However, the change of consumption is more than the level of output due to increase in the government spending.