Friday, January 31, 2020

Promotional mix Essay Example for Free

Promotional mix Essay Element of the promotional mix for innocent smoothies may include this such as: Advertising is used to communicate with the public about their products and services, this can be expensive and businesses must ensure that they spend their advertising budget carefully methods include: moving image, print, ambient such as advertising on buses, digital and audio. Sales promotion is used to encourage customers to purchase your products or for distribution channels to stock your goods . methods are: price promotion (discounts), coupons, competitions, money refunds, loyalty incentives. Personal selling is when a representative of the company interacts directly with a potential customer using skills called closing a sale. Methods are: face to face, telephone, email, and video or web conferencing. Public relations are activities a business carries out to place information in the media without paying for it directly activities might include: exhibitions, sponsorship and press relations Direct marketing is when a business communicates directly with a customer, establishing an individual relationship between the business and the customer, methods are: direct mail, mail order catalogue, magazines and telemarketing. Advertising is used by innocent most effectively than other methods of the promotional mix, methods of advertising they use is they have links with popular children’s websites such as ‘club penguin’ , Innocent also put adverts on the TV. Another method of advertising Innocent use is that they sell magnets along with their smoothies this is effective as it appeals to their target audience. Innocent use advertising most effectively out of the promotional mix as they appeal to their target audience. Innocent use advertising as they are a new company who need recognition so their TV adverts are memorable and funny and they show their personality this links to matching their target audience well with how they advertise. Innocent use sales promotion effectively as they have used promotions such as the free magnets ad club penguin deals, as if they are linked with things such as club penguin people who use club penguin will be more likely to buy their pouts as I benefits them and linking with a big business like Disney which runs club penguin means that it helps appeal to more of their target audience, while giving them a better image and giving them a funnier personality. The innocent website ad Facebook page work effectively with their sales promotion as it uses fun ad games to promote their products while appealing to their audience at the same time. Innocent also use other methods of the promotional mix such as public relations. Innocent use this to get more sales for example inviting the press to a release of a new product so that they report about it and notify the public this will then help increase their audience ad gain more customers. The press an affect the sales a business makes as if they give a bad review and the company gets bad press they will lose customers instead of gaining them. This is effective because customers can get an unbiased opinion of the products, however it is a risky element of the promotional mix as the product/ company might get a bad review and loose customers but if the public like the product then it will gain sales. Elements of the promotional mix that innocent do not use: Things such as direct marketing and personal selling are not used as effectively by innocent because they sell straight to the store such as Tesco or a wholesaler because it keeps their products staying fresher, they will sell more as they will become more reliable as they are always in the shops unlike Avon which you have to wait weeks until you get your product and chose your products and thy well have a wider customer base, this is why they use advertising so effectively as It continues to get their items bought from the wholesaler. An example of personal selling is a car salesperson persuading you to buy a car, innocent do not use this as it would not be worth it, as they would have to pay for a person to sell the products and they would have to sell a lot before they make a large profit. A person would also have to walk around all day with the produce in the heat which can affect the produce. Innocent don’t use direct marketing as they sell their goods to big supermarkets and they don’t have to sell to the customers so it’s up to the supermarket to tell the customer about the products and deals etc. The promotional mix is used well by innocent as their adverts help get them customers and raise awareness of their brand, and appeal to their target audience. Innocent don’t use direct marketing or persona selling as they don’t sell to the customers personally they sell it to supermarkets instead or the wholesaler. Once they have sold their products to the wholesaler or  supermarkets they no longer will have to sell their produce however they do have to still advertise as they need the customers to want to buy their products from the supermarkets etc. so then the supermarket will continue to stock their brand. They use the distribution channels the way they do to make sure their products stay fresh for the customer and they are kept in good condition and by selling to supermarkets before the customer it will help show their brand to a wider audience and help increase awareness of their brand. The promotional mix used by innocent is appropriate because it has worked and their business is expanding and getting larger, they also have a reliable customer base in England which will help them if they decide to sell in America. This is because they have advertised their business a lot and because of their uses of advertising this means they have a wider audience which ranges from children to adults and any gender.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Is TV Harming America? :: essays research papers

Those who proclaim that television is harming society may be too quick to judge television, in fact in some ways TV can help society. One only has to look at programs such as America’s Most Wanted and Unsolved Mysteries, they may often be on the corny side, however America’s Most Wanted has helped authorities capture many wanted fugitives. News programs have gotten more and more graphic in recent years, but the amount of information given on the news has increased substaintially as well. As a nation, we watched the Gulf War, the Clinton Impechment proceedings, the Clarence Thomas hearings and several other pivotal news stories that we otherwise would not have had such access to without television. Children’s shows run the gamut from programs such as Power Rangers to Sesame Street. Few would argue that shows such as Sesame Street and Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood are damaging our youth. With a little parental supervision the harmful aspects of television can be avoided, there are useful and educational shows available for children to watch. Some of my nephew’s favorite shows are Arthur, Blue’s Clue’s, Sesame Street, he’s even at an age now where he will tell me to change the channel when it’s time for Arthur to come on. Some critics have said that advertisers are brainwashing our children, that may be true on some level. However, ultimately it’s not the child that runs out to Toy’s R Us and purchases the toys that are hocked constantly on television; the parents have control of the checkbook and should therefore establish some rules about commercials. Unfortunatley, advertisements are unavoidable these day’s, they are everywhere, not just TV, they can be heard on the radio, there are billboards everywhere you look.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The Norton Anthology of African American Literature New York

Booker T. Washington, during the 59 years of his life, rose up from being a slave until the age of nine, to forming a school for African Americans and the education of thousands of African Americans in the pursuit of self sufficiency. Washington has also been deemed as the most famous African American orator and civil rights leader of his time. Coupled with the possession of friendships of very rich and powerful people, sympathetic to the realists’ belief of a self sufficient African American, Booker T. Washington, in addition to his God given ability, is still known and studied to this very day.His influence within the African American community, during his lifetime, as well as even now, cannot be overestimated. In one of the first ways in which Booker T. Washington began to make a name for him was in the construction of the Tuskegee Institute. In 1881, under the recommendation of a number of influential people at the time; Louis Adams and Samuel Armstrong, â€Å"Booker T. b ought the land from what used to be a plantation and began the construction of what would become, perhaps the most famous historically African American college in the country.† The curriculum of the college was representative of the beliefs of Washington. He believed that former slaves and African Americans, who were to follow, would best serve their own interest and the advancement of the race by learning a trade and showing themselves worthy of racial equality in the eyes of the white establishment. This ideology was very different than the more firm and, in the view of most whites, abrasive attitude of W. E. B. Dubois who preached a more aggressive role in civil rights and in the advancement of the Black race.Washington believed that the African American would gain the most for their race, by focusing on learning a trade instead of becoming involved in politics and other, more prestigious careers. The construction of the Tuskegee Institute put into practice, this ideology o f self improvement. In Washington’s most famous works: his autobiography, Up From Slavery, published in 1901, Washington recalled: â€Å"From the very beginning, at Tuskegee, I was determined to have the students do not only the agricultural and domestic work, but to have them erect their own buildings.My plan was to have them, while performing this service, taught the latest and best methods of labor, so that the school would not only get the benefit of their efforts, but the students themselves would be taught to see not only utility in labor, but beauty and dignity; would be taught, in fact, how to lift labor up from mere drudgery and toil, and would learn to love work for its own sake. My plan was not to teach them to work in the old way, but to show them how to make the forces of nature – air, water, steam, electricity, horse-power – assist them in their labor.† In this, Washington was labeled, by some contemporaries as well as future generations, as a defeatist who bowed to the influence of the white establishment. In response, Washington believed that a more realist view of the situation would bring the greatest social and eventual political change. This was at a time when Jim Crow laws in the South were choking any possible ways in which African Americans would be treated as equals. Nearly full segregation in numerous aspects of daily life in the South, reminded African Americans that the country viewed them as second class citizens and inferior to white Americans.Washington, through the completion of the Tuskegee Institute, showed African Americans that self sufficiency could bring more advancement and gain for themselves and their race than anything else at this time. Such views were expressed in Booker T. Washington’s most famous speech. The Atlanta Compromise, given in 1895, spoke these ideals and the prosperity which Washington knew, was within reach for the African American who made himself self sufficient and a s independent as possible.â€Å"There is no defense or security for any of us except in the highest intelligence and development of all. If anywhere there are efforts tending to curtail the fullest growth of the Negro, let these efforts be turned into stimulating, encouraging, and making him the most useful and intelligent citizen. Effort or means so invested will pay a thousand per cent interest. These efforts will be twice blessed—blessing him that gives and him that takes.There is no escape through law of man or God from the inevitable:† Washington, the delight of white Americans and the annoyance of a number of African American leaders during this time, as well as those who would follow in the Civil Rights struggle of the 1950’s and 1960’s, Washington was not a race â€Å"agitator† as many whites would label those who spoke forcefully for social change and equality among white Americans. Not only did Washington attempt to avoid such a label, he also went out of his way to remind African Americans as well as comfort white Americans, that this was not his main objective.â€Å"The wisest among my race understand that the agitation of questions of social equality is the extremist folly, and that progress in the enjoyment of all the privileges that will come to us must be the result of severe and constant struggle rather than of artificial forcing. No race that has anything to contribute to the markets of the world is long in any degree ostracized. It is important and right that all privileges of the law be ours, but it is vastly more important that we be prepared for the exercise of these privileges.The opportunity to earn a dollar in a factory just now is worth infinitely more than the opportunity to spend a dollar in an opera-house. † As a result, Washington was more appreciated within his own community than in generations to come when a more forward policy of racial equality was adopted within the Civil Rights movem ent. Some of the reasons for his success and the ability to afford a speaking tour as well as funding for Tuskegee, were the powerful friendships which Washington was able to form.Some of these notable names of the times were Andrew Carnegie, the $400 million tycoon of the steel industry as well as Henry Rogers and Presidents William Howard Taft and even Theodore Roosevelt who invited Washington to dine with him at the White House; making Washington the first African American to have bestowed upon him, such an honor. The invitation caused outrage within the South and an African American would not have such an honor bestowed upon them for a number of decades, the accomplishment was still achieved.In this, Washington became one of the most successful civil rights leaders of his day. One of the chief reasons why this was the case, above all others, coupled with his God given skill and talent, was the message which Washington repeated over and over in both his speeches and his actions. He was not accommodating to white racism, but was rather a realist who knew that every injustice which stemmed from racial inequality, was not going to be done away with in his lifetime or in the lifetime of his children. Washington was not one to make waves, to complain or to blame whites for his troubles.Many believed that Washington should be doing just that. However, Washington replied by saying: â€Å"There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public†¦. There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who do not want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public.† Washington always preached a new, self sufficient African American. Even until his death in 1915, Washington, the most influential leader of the civi l rights movement since Frederick Douglass and still remains as one of the most important in this country’s history, always advocated that African Americans become and remain self sufficient and that they earn the respect from whites which they need in order to achieve the racial, political and social equality which is their uniform goal.When Washington stated: â€Å"One man cannot hold another man down in the ditch without remaining down in the ditch with him. † He meant it. WORKS CITED Perry, John Unshakable Faith Memphis: Multnomah Publishers 2001 Washington, Booker T. Up From Slavery: An Autiobiography New York: Scribners 1980 The Norton Anthology of African American Literature New York: Norton Press. 1999 Booker T. Washington New York: PBS/Thirteen Productions 2001

Monday, January 6, 2020

Standarized Testing and Alternatives - 1166 Words

Education is the single most important subject for a better future in America and in many other countries. But how can we measure if the students are actually learning and getting a good education? With the use of standardized tests we are now able to evaluate the knowledge of a large number of students regardless of its effects on education. The earliest record of standardized testing originated in China, where candidate applying for government jobs had to be examined in philosophy and poetry . Standardized tests became part of American education in the Industrial Revolution era, where children were being pulled from farms and being placed into schools . Since then the uses of standardized tests have increased in popularity, because the 2001’s No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) mandated annual testing in all 50 states . Standardized tests have evolved from a requirement for government jobs to comparing and evaluating the knowledge of the students or how well students are likely to perform in an educational setting. Standardized testing has assumed a prominent role in most schools in America, and it is impacting the quality of education given in our country in a negative manner. The current day education is being characterized by standardized test scores, and standardized testing has become the main focus of many debates within the education system. In many schools students are now being tested starting in the third grade due to the laws that have been passed by Congress overShow MoreRelatedLearning from the Fashion Industry: a Structured Literature Review39302 Words   |  158 Pagesin many cases some retailers use â€Å"testing† stores with the aim of predicting more efficiently which articles would be â€Å"best-selling†. For example the summer collection could be tested in advance in warmer climates (Fisher et al., 2000; Dvorak and Van Paasschen, 1996; Gutgeld and Beyer, 1995). Whilst Limited was a company that follow the above strategy, Coin an Italian company used â€Å"focus groups† in order to conduct the â€Å"test† (Gutgeld and Beyer, 1995). The testing strategy in combination with theRead MoreIntroduction to Materials Management169665 Words   |  679 PagesMetrics Operational Focus Standard Figure 1.4 Metrics context. 3. 4. 5. 6. A product life cycle that is getting shorter and shorter. A vast amount of data. An emphasis on profit margins that are more squeezed. An increasing number of alternatives. A firm has a corporate strategy that states how it will treat its customers and what services it will supply. This identifies how a firm will compete in the marketplace. It is the customer who assesses the firm’s offering by its decision to