Monday, January 6, 2020

Standarized Testing and Alternatives - 1166 Words

Education is the single most important subject for a better future in America and in many other countries. But how can we measure if the students are actually learning and getting a good education? With the use of standardized tests we are now able to evaluate the knowledge of a large number of students regardless of its effects on education. The earliest record of standardized testing originated in China, where candidate applying for government jobs had to be examined in philosophy and poetry . Standardized tests became part of American education in the Industrial Revolution era, where children were being pulled from farms and being placed into schools . Since then the uses of standardized tests have increased in popularity, because the 2001’s No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) mandated annual testing in all 50 states . Standardized tests have evolved from a requirement for government jobs to comparing and evaluating the knowledge of the students or how well students are likely to perform in an educational setting. Standardized testing has assumed a prominent role in most schools in America, and it is impacting the quality of education given in our country in a negative manner. The current day education is being characterized by standardized test scores, and standardized testing has become the main focus of many debates within the education system. In many schools students are now being tested starting in the third grade due to the laws that have been passed by Congress overShow MoreRelatedLearning from the Fashion Industry: a Structured Literature Review39302 Words   |  158 Pagesin many cases some retailers use â€Å"testing† stores with the aim of predicting more efficiently which articles would be â€Å"best-selling†. For example the summer collection could be tested in advance in warmer climates (Fisher et al., 2000; Dvorak and Van Paasschen, 1996; Gutgeld and Beyer, 1995). Whilst Limited was a company that follow the above strategy, Coin an Italian company used â€Å"focus groups† in order to conduct the â€Å"test† (Gutgeld and Beyer, 1995). The testing strategy in combination with theRead MoreIntroduction to Materials Management169665 Words   |  679 PagesMetrics Operational Focus Standard Figure 1.4 Metrics context. 3. 4. 5. 6. A product life cycle that is getting shorter and shorter. A vast amount of data. An emphasis on profit margins that are more squeezed. An increasing number of alternatives. A firm has a corporate strategy that states how it will treat its customers and what services it will supply. This identifies how a firm will compete in the marketplace. It is the customer who assesses the firm’s offering by its decision to

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