Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Economics of Sumeria Free Essays

By 7000 BCE there was cultivating, which required lasting settlement. â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€- By 4500 BCE, individuals archeologists call Ubaidians were living in towns close to where the Tigris and Euphrates waterways purged into the Persian Gulf. EKONOMIKS â€( http://earlyworldhistory. We will compose a custom article test on Financial matters of Sumeria or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now blogspot. com/2012/01/sumer. html poltics) (http://www. sjsu. edu/personnel/watkins/sumer. htm-poltics) This was Mesopotamia (Greek for â€Å"between two rivers†). It was around 4000 BCE that a people called Sumerians moved into Mesopotamia. By 3800 BCE the Sumerians had displaced the Ubaidians and Semites in southern Mesopotamia. They fabricated better waterways for flooding crops and for moving harvests by vessel to town focuses. They improved their streets, over which their jackasses trod, a portion of their jackasses pulling wheeled trucks. Furthermore, the Sumerians developed in number, the expansion in populace the key component in making what we call progress Do you know? Progress is a word gotten from an antiquated word forâ city. LIVINGS around every city were fields of grain, plantations of date palms, and land for grouping. Other than planting and gathering crops, a few Sumerians chased, fished, or raised domesticated animals. Notwithstanding an expansion in populace, human progress was likewise about assortment, and enough food was created to help individuals who worked at different occupations â€, for example, the brotherhood, stoneware making, weaving, carpentry and smithing. There were additionally merchants, and the Sumerians built up a broad trade via land and ocean. They fabricated fit for sailing boats, and they imported from a remote place things produced using the wood, stone, tin and copper not discovered close by The Sumerians utilized slaves, despite the fact that they were not a significant piece of the economy. Slave ladies functioned as weavers, pressers, mill operators, and watchmen. The social structure of the Sumerians was unequivocally not the same as different social orders of that and later occasions. The Sumerian people group were city states composed around a sanctuary and governed by a brotherhood. There was a class of specialists notwithstanding the ministers and laborers. The craftmen dedicated the vast majority of their chance to creating things for either the sanctuaries or the warrior-officers which secured the sanctuary network. The individuals were to commit their lives to satisfying the divine beings to keep disasters from coming to pass for the network. Step by step instructions to refer to Economics of Sumeria, Essay models

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Free Essays on Analysis Of T.S. Eliots Rhapsody On A Windy Night

â€Å"Half-p... Free Essays on Analysis Of T.S. Eliot's Rhapsody On A Windy Night Free Essays on Analysis Of T.S. Eliot's Rhapsody On A Windy Night Investigation of T.S. Eliot’s Rhapsody on a Windy Night This sonnet appeared to have no reason however to recount to a story from the outset, yet in the wake of rehashing it, I discovered many intriguing things that point to something greater, in any case, I don't know what. I especially enjoyed how Eliot reported the time toward the start of each expressive area. The sonnet begins with the words â€Å"Twelve o’clock.† This sets lays the right foundation and shows the fundamental character’s over the top nature. The lingual authority in this sonnet is incredibly clear and permits the peruser to truly observe things through the narrator’s eyes. The primary refrain represents to the peruser the man’s environmental factors and the sounds that he hears in the haziness. The subsequent refrain begins with â€Å"Half- past one,† and indeed, utilizes an exceptionally short, straightforward sentence to profoundly affect the peruser. He at that point starts discussing the road light. â€Å"The road light faltered, The road light mumbled, The road light said...† This causes it to appear as though the road light is training the storyteller to get things done. The road light advises him to respect a lady with a torn and recolored dress furthermore, an eye that â€Å"twists like an abnormal pin.† He at that point goes into â€Å"a horde of turned things† from his memory. He recollects a bent branch upon the sea shore and a wrecked spring in an industrial facility yard that is â€Å"hard and twisted and prepared to snap.† I do accept this speaks to something far more prominent than a bed spring, in any case, I can't figure out what it may be. After that flashback type verse, he starts again with â€Å"Half-past two.† The road light becomes an integral factor and orders him to comment a feline, which he thinks about to a kid. The creator at that point talks about the child’s eyes and the things he has found in the road. He just leads one thing into another, as though composing everything that happens in his psyche when he sees something. The following refrain starts again with the words â€Å"Half-p...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Chromosome Probes At The University Of Toronto -----------------------

Chromosome Probes at the University of Toronto - - - - Uploaded: November 29, 1986. Touchy chromosome tests as of late found by a University of Toronto geneticist will make it simpler to recognize specific sorts of hereditary and pre-birth infections, just as being utilized to decide paternity and give measurable proof in criminal cases. Tests are short bits of DNA which tie to, and really pinpoint, specific destinations on a chromosome. Since these new tests are really rehashed hundreds or thousands of time at a specific site, they are considerably more delicate than beforehand accessible ones. ==[1/6]================================================ Press any key to proceed... ======================================================= Of the 23 sets of human chromosomes, Dr. F.H. Willard has found rehashed tests or markers for six or more the sex deciding X and Y chromosomes. What we're attempting to conclude now is whether to detach tests for different chromosomes, or whether we ought to use the eight we have, he says. Dr. Willard is presently haggling with an American organization to create pre-birth indicative tests, which, on the grounds that the present tests are tedious and in fact hard to do, are limited to ladies more than 35 and the individuals who have a family ancestry of chromosomal anomalies. Pre-birth tests utilizing Willard's tests would be a lot easier and quicker to perform and could be accessible to every single pregnant lady who wish to exploit the innovation. ==[2/6]================================================ Press any key to proceed... ======================================================= Current pre-birth testing includes developing fetal cells in vitro and analyzing them, more than a couple of months, to check whether there are two duplicates of a specific chromosome, which is typical, or one or three, which is irregular. A test utilizing Willard's tests would require just a couple of cells and a couple of days to distinguish irregul arities. I don't believe it's past the domain of probability that these sorts of tests should inevitably be possible by an obstetrician in the workplace during the beginning times of pregnancy, he includes. The assurance of sexual orientation is another conceivable use for the tests. Numerous sicknesses, for example, Duschene's solid dystrophy, appear on the X chromosome, showing just in young men. Willard thinks it is conceivable to build up a test which would rapidly show the hatchling's sex. This would profit guardians whose solitary alternative is to have no kids or to have just young ladies. ==[3/6]================================================ Press any key to proceed... ======================================================= Confirming sexual orientation in kids with vague genitalia is another clinical purpose behind utilizing the test. A snappy assessment of the X and Y chromosomes of the kid would show whether hereditarily the kid is male or female. Up 'til now, Willard h as been not able to build up a test for chromosome 21. Down's Syndrome results from three duplicates of chromosome 21 (trisomy 21). I think we'll know inside a year whether a test to recognize trisomy 21 is doable, he says ideally. The other six chromosome tests which Willard has created don't promptly loan themselves to symptomatic tests, with the exception of specific malignant growths, he says. We have a test for chromosome 7 and we realize that trisomy 7 is a sign for particular sorts of disease. Chromosome variations from the norm of numerous types are a sign of tumors. Theoretically, an oncologist could utilize a ==[4/6]================================================ Press any key to proceed... ======================================================= chromosome test to look at tissue and acquire a perusing for a particular disease. It wouldn't recommend a method of treatment, he calls attention to, yet would be a rapid test and would have prognostic ramifications for the sor t of tumor found. As an essential research instrument, Willard's tests could be utilized to build up a hereditary linkage map for human chromosomes. It's imperative to know the area of qualities in the human genome, especially infection qualities. The main way to deal with attempt to sift through ailment qualities is to utilize hereditary linkage. Since our successions are at the centromere it would permit us to build up a guide. The third application for the tests is in legal science. Willard accepts his markers are as interesting to each every person as are fingerprints. As indicated by the geneticist, it will be conceivable to make a DNA ==[5/6]================================================ Press any key to proceed... ======================================================= 'unique mark' from blood or sperm, which could be utilized as proof in assault or murder cases. We

Friday, June 5, 2020

The Meaning of Dress

As we all know that to cover the body we wear clothes and a fix set of clothes is called as a â€Å"Dress†. Every dress has its shelf symbol. Every dress shows the background of the owner of that dress. A dress which a student wears that is unique and a dress which a policeman wears that is also unique. If they wear a unique dress it means that there is also something unique in that dresses which we wear. In other words the dress which a policeman and a student wears that shows respect, honesty, faithfulness towards the work that is given to them. If someone is insulting to your dress it means he is insulting about you and yours respect, honesty, faithfulness towards that dress and the work for which you wore that dress. We should feel proud in being the owner of that dress which is wear by us. If any dirty spot get printed on your dress it means the dirty spot is printed in your honesty, faithfulness and duty. This tells that something is left in your working way. By looking the condition of any dress we can guess about the condition of the owner of that dress and by looking the type of dress we can say that the owner of that dress is policeman, lawyer, student, air hostess, postman, teacher, driver, judge, army officer or any other. A dress may be dirty or very dirty and a dress also may be clean or very clean. The cleanliness towards the dress shows the respect, honesty, faithfulness against the work that is given. For example – The school ties of the students are also the part of their school dress. Suppose when it falls down and an another student put his foot on that fallen tie it means the student who put his foot on tie is not respect his school dress and he does not cares about his duty. Similarly a turban and the shoes is also show the condition of the owner. So, we need to be serious about the condition of our dress because â€Å"The dress is the mirror of the duty and work given to us†.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay on Thorr Motorcycles Case Analysis - 989 Words

Background of Situation Thorr Motorcycles is a company that manufactures 200,000 motorcycles a year. It also licenses T-shirts, shoes, leather goods, toys, and other consumer items. The company currently has a high-brand image manufacturing high-end motorcycles and owns approximately forty percent of market share. The challenge for Thorr is that the industry is growing, but sales of its high-end product are decreasing. The reason for this loss of market share is that the target customers of its high end product is growing older, and younger people do not identify with the brand image of Thorr. In addition, Thorr is a high product and younger people do not have the large disposable income necessary to support the brand.†¦show more content†¦Second, the simulation contradicts itself when it states that a large polygon means more market share. A larger polygon can be created by focusing on other factors than the recommended ones in the simulation. The second step in the simulation is to elect either launching a new product line or repositioning the Thorr brand. I chose to launch an entirely new product line. With the new product line, the pricing I chose will be $13,000 to $15,000 to target the younger crowd. Promotion will take place through Hollywood Films to target the younger generation. Place will be both the internet and the dealer showrooms. The services lineup will include dealer training, customization options, and financial services. I chose this market plan through analyzing the SWOTT analysis, and my choices were dead on with the simulations optimal choices. The third step in the simulation asked to interpret the data from the surveys in a perceptual plot. The interpretation of the data is a subjective measurement, and I did my best to analyze the data. My assumption is that if the company wanted to create a more accurate data plot that they would have customers actually give a one to ten rating on each of the factors outlined. For example, the company would have people number pricing on a scale of one to ten, which would be the same scale of the perceptual map. It isShow MoreRelatedPerceptual Maps in Marketing1180 Words   |  5 PagesPerceptual Maps in Marketing Simulation Summary Thorr Motorcycles, Incorporated manufactures various models of motorcycles, and is a $5 billion company. The CruiserThorr power cruiser model provides the company a high brand image in the market, but sales are decreasing. The company contributes the decline to the aging target customers who purchase the cruiser as a lifestyle symbol, and the high cost of the motorcycle. Thorr must reverse the falling sales by developing a marketing plan with theRead MorePositioning Maps in Marketing: Cruiser Thorr Motorcycles Case Study1057 Words   |  4 PagesCRUISER THORR 6 Positioning maps in marketing: Simulation Phase I: Current market position Situation Cruiser Thorr Motorcycles have long had an esteemed reputation in the heavyweight motorcycle market. But the companys most loyal patrons, who grew up viewing Cruiser Thorr as synonymous with quality, are gradually aging out of these types of motorcycles. Younger consumers are more interested in lighter-weight motorcycles which are cheaper and more in keeping with their budgets and current trendsRead MoreUsing Perceptual Maps in Marketing Simulation Summary1124 Words   |  5 PagesMaps in Marketing Simulation Summary The situation that is being explained in the simulation states of the declining sales of Thorr Motorcycles’s product, the CruiserThorr, because of its previous customers that are aging and no longer interested in what the product stands for. Another factor for the decline includes their younger customers wanting the motorcycle at a lower price for the fact that they would not otherwise have high salaries as in the older age group. These same young customersRead MoreMKT 421 Week 4 Ind Essay1821 Words   |  8 Pagesin Marketing Thorr Motorcycles Thorr Motorcycles, Inc. is manufacturing over 200,000 units annually and has current worth in excess of a billion dollars. Thorr is a leading name and holds around 40% of the total market. It not only sells motorcycles but also offers dealer training, dealer software support and mechanical training. For customers, it offers motorcycle rentals and biker training. Projected image of CruiserThorr is of â€Å"masculinity, mobility, and freedom†. Currently Thorr is experiencing

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Saga Of An Entrepreneur Who Changed The Face Of The...

The saga of an entrepreneur who changed the face of the World - BILL GATES Abstract This article deals with the life and career outline of the American Business Magnate and the cofounder and CEO of Microsoft, Bill Gates. The article primarily emphasizes on the inception and proliferation of Microsoft along with some of Gates’ major business strategies which assisted him to become the father of Personal Computers and paved way for his company to deliver high standards of products to the customers. Introduction Very few people might not have heard the name of Bill Gates, a self made multi-billionaire who rose from a humble background to become an American business magnate, investor and philanthropist and is often considered to be the richest man in the world. Gates is one of the best known entrepreneurs of the PC evolution and is best known for his role as the co-founder and the CEO of Microsoft, the multinational American Technology company. Gates has often been criticized for his anti-competitive business modules and his entrepreneurial strategies, reason why his leadership policies have been a constant source of much discussions and dissertations. Gates has authored two books and co-authored several books, which debate the consequences of the personal computer revolution and how he achieved success by integrating business and technology. He has been the highest individual shareholder of Microsoft until May 2014. Gates pursues numerous philanthropic endeavours through hisShow MoreRelatedA n Assessment of the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Nigerian Society: the Examples of Banking and Communication Industries18990 Words   |  76 Pagessocietal Progressiveness, Banking, Communication, Environment. INTRODUCTION At an earlier point in history, societal expectations from business organizations did not go beyond efficient resource allocation and its maximization. But today, it has changed and modern business must think beyond profit maximization toward being at least socially responsible to its society. Today’s heightened interest in the role of business in society has been promoted by increased sensitivity to the 018 Univers.Read MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words   |  702 Pagesanniversary of Marketing Mistakes and Successes with this 11th edition. Who would have thought that interest in mistakes would be so enduring? Many of you are past users, a few even for decades. I hope you will find this new edition a worthy successor to earlier editions. I think this may even be my best book. The new Google and Starbucks cases should arouse keen student interest, and may even inspire another generation of entrepreneurs. A fair number of the older cases have faced significant changesRead MoreBhopal Gas Disaster84210 Words   |  337 Pagesgas leak triggered a disaster that is now widely recognized as the world worst industrial catastrophe. Thousands of people were killed instantly and more than 25,000 people have died of gas-related illnesses, several thousands more maimed for life since. Union Carbide negotiated a settlement with the Indian Government in 1989 for $470 million - a total of only $370 to $533 per victim - a sum too small to pay for most medical bills. In 1996, t elve years after the disaster, Union Carbide became partRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 PagesProcess Analysis and Improvement, First Edition Simchi-Levi, Kaminsky, and Simchi-Levi, Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, Case Studies, Third Edition Sterman, Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for Complex World, First Edition Stevenson, Operations Management, 10 th Edition Swink, Melnyk, Cooper, and Hartley, Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain, First Edition Thomke, Managing Product and Service Development: Text and Cases, First Edition Ulrich andRead MoreTop 1 Cause for Project Failure65023 Words   |  261 Pages #1. Every project has to be driven. The more compelling the purpose and the more committed the sponsor is to the project, the more weight can be bought to bear on the inevitable competing priorities and the clash of the operational and project worlds in the business. Others have mentioned President Kennedy s historic project to land a man on the moon and safely return him to earth. Project Sponsors and Project Managers would do well to study his speeches in this regard. The purposeRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagestogether the very diverse strands of work that today qualify as constituting the subject of organisational theory. Whilst their writing is accessible and engaging, their approach is scholarly and serious. It is so easy for students (and indeed others who should know better) to trivialize this very problematic and challenging subject. This is not the case with the present book. This is a book that deserves to achieve a wide readership. Professor Stephen Ackroyd, Lancaster University, UK This new textbookRead MoreManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words   |  960 Pagesinformation systems. I. Brown, Carol V. (Carol Vanderbilt), 1945T58.6.M3568 2012 658.4038011—dc22 2010048598 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 10: 0-13-214632-0 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-214632-6 BRIEF CONTENTS Chapter 1 Managing IT in a Digital World PART I Information Technology Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 1 17 Computer Systems 19 Telecommunications and Networking The Data Resource 95 60 PART II Applying Information Technology Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Enterprise

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Entrepreneurship and Management Samples for Students †MyAssignmenthel

Question: Discuss about the Entrepreneurship and Management. Answer: Entrepreneurship is something that is the dream of many. Given the proper time, money and opportunities anyone would like to start a business of their own. But it is also a known fact to all that business is never a cake walk and it brings along with it several opportunities and challenges Kuratko ( Hornsby Hayton 2015). While starting a business, it is highly essential to keep a thorough check on ones capital, resources, and also the threats that might come up in future. Among the different lines of business, one handsome line is that of food and beverage start ups. Undertaking a business in this line is not only interesting but quite innovative as well. In order to gain a good range of customers, it is essential to have a proper market strategy and one of the basic and most important things that are to be included in that strategy is that of selecting the right audience at the right time (Sozen ONeill 2018). The business undertaken was that of a food and beverage industry (Renton et al., 2015). A caf was set up called the Coffee Delights, Australia. As per the initial business plan, it was set up in this way that this will be a restaurant serving coffee, tea and also beverages of several other sorts along with several other fast food cuisines. It will initially begin as a medium scale industry with around 50 employees and will obviously try to increase the employee strength as per the total sales and the overall performance of the restaurant as well. It will be initially starting as a fast food beverage shop and will initially operate only in the New South Wales district. The main purpose behind setting up this start up is to provi de a wide range of delicacy in and around the local regions of New South Wales. The main motto is to provide the localities with a wide variety of mouth watering flavors of several beverages and also other fast food items. The main areas of concern will be to maintain the quality of food and customer satisfaction. The modern era is a time of change and all the customers are in search of both quality and quantity as well. Staying healthy and fresh is the major concern of all the people of todays scenario; hence it is also the prime duty of the organization to see to it (Hong Lu 2016). The top most priority of this restaurant will be to cater to the increasing demands of the customers. In addition to providing good quality food to the customers, the company will also have to make sure that they are using all the natural and fresh products so that there is no compromise with the health or the well being of the customers. The vision and mission of the startup were also formulated after a thorough analysis of the future goals and objectives and most importantly the purpose of the business. The vision of the company will be to provide the best quality food to the customers along with the necessary health benefits, the mission statement of the company was thus set up as eat healthy, live healthy. This, in order to stay to the purpose, this restaurant will make sure that all the inputs that are used for the production of the food and beverages of this company will be fresh and healthy, There will be a hundred percent assurance to the fact that no added chemicals, or excess amount of food colors or any artificial flavors will be totally absent from the products. The motif of this organization will not be only profit maximization but also customer satisfaction (Galindo Mndez 2014). It was made sure that all the organic components that are to be used in the production of the fruits, vegetables, egg, fish, meat etc will all be bought from the local markets and the local farmers so that the freshness and quality of the products can be restored. The above structure talks about the organizational framework of the restaurant. Coffee Delights, Australia will have the chief chef at its top most post and he will be preceded by the junior chef who will accompany him and will also have the specialty chef and the Sous chef under them, they will be helped by the utility assistants who will also be responsible for the proper maintenance of the interiors of the restaurant. There was also a thorough review done about the different forces acting in the internal and the external environment of the organization. SWOT S-Strength- The strength of this company is the fresh products that it will use in their production process which in turn will help to provide all the customers with not only tasty but also fresh and healthy products and will thus help them to get their demand fulfilled (Kim, 2014). This will also enable the company to stay true to its vision and mission of keeping their customers fit and healthy. Weakness-As this will be a newly made start up business, in the initial level, it can face some financial challenges or challenges related to the additional customer benefits. The company might face some issues related to its resources base as it is a time-consuming affair (Blair Marcum 2015). o-opportunities- As this company will mainly aim towards providing their customers with fresh and natural products so that they can initiate the proper well being of their customers, they will have several opportunities to increase their customer base by providing them the products that have proper nutritional benefits (Gonzlez-Benito, Muoz-Gallego Garca-Zamora 2015). As this company will bring all the input materials, the organic inputs in particular from the local farmers, they can make sure that the freshness of the products are retained till production and if the customers find that their demand of eating and staying healthy is being fulfilled then they will obviously increase their purchases from this restaurant which will, in turn, increase the profit of the organization. t-threats- It is a known fact that there are a large number of alternatives available in this particular line of business (Chriqui, Pickel Story 2014). Moreover, it is an issue that needs much more import ace because this is a newly set up business and the customers will surely have a large number of options to switch over to several other alternatives if they are dissatisfied with the quality of products and services that are being offered by this company (De Mel, McKenzie Woodruff 2014). There will always be the threat of existing firms in the market who can give a very tough competition. Apart from this, there is also the threat of new firms entering the market because food and beverage companies are now a major line of business that is being undertaken by many young and aspiring entrepreneurs. Pestle Political factors- As it is a new start up business, it will obviously have to abide by all the rules and regulations of the Government, including the tax, labor charges, charges incurred on the purchasing of any imported items etc (Blair Marcum 2015). Economic factors- Economic factors will surely have a major influence like the interest rates, inflation, and an increase in the taxation rates of export or import items etc (Kim, 2014). This might also prevent the company from further investment for at least a certain time period. Social factors- There are many social factors that will influence a food and beverage industry. One of the major social factors is that of health consciousness (Chriqui, Pickel Story 2014). As the customers are very much concerned about the health in the present days, so the restaurant will have to work hard to keep up the standard of their products and they will also have to innovate their products keeping in minds the health benefits of their customers. Population growth, career attitude etc will directly affect the way this business will be carried out. Technological factors- In this modern day scenario, the company will have to very carefully deal with the adaptation of the modern scientific and technological factors (Blair Marcum 2015). Usage of the modern scientific methods like IT tools will definitely help in increasing the efficiency of the business. Environmental factors: This is one of the most important factors that can affect this business since it is largely based on fruits, vegetables, animal products, any climatic changes or the seasonal weather changes will affect the business a great deal (Blair Marcum 2015). Hence, it will be prudent for the company to keep sufficient amount of alternatives or preventive measures to deal with such emergencies. Legal factors: Being a food and beverage industry it will always be confined by the legal obligations like drug law, service tax etc. Risks that are likely to confront this business are tough competition is given by the existing restaurants in the market the threat posed by the entrance of new firms climatic changes that might hamper the production Government intervention and policies Some of the important business practices that might be undertaken by the business can be given some additional benefits to the customers like home delivery, discounts of the products etc. In order to improve the important functions of the business, there has to be an improvement in the marketing and sales procedure and also a constant improvement has to be brought in the quality of products. One contextual factor that might be adopted for this business is innovation and entrepreneurship because this is n era of change and innovations. The customers are in constant search for something new and innovative. Finding out good and successful entrepreneurs is also very important as the entrepreneurs will bear the risk bearing attitude and will have sufficient means to deal with any unforeseen risks that might turn up in near future. They will also help in bringing new innovations which will help to constantly modify their products and this increase the customer base and in turn the business expansion and growth. References Blair, E. S., Marcum, T. M. (2015). Heed Our Advice: Exploring How Professionals Guide Small Business Owners in Start?Up Entity Choice.Journal of Small Business Management,53(1), 249-265. Chriqui, J. F., Pickel, M., Story, M. (2014). Influence of school competitive food and beverage policies on obesity, consumption, and availability: a systematic review.JAMA Pediatrics,168(3), 279-286. De Mel, S., McKenzie, D., Woodruff, C. (2014). Business training and female enterprise start-up, growth, and dynamics: Experimental evidence from Sri Lanka.Journal of Development Economics,106, 199-210. Galindo, M. ., Mndez, M. T. (2014). Entrepreneurship, economic growth, and innovation: Are feedback effects at work?.Journal of Business Research,67(5), 825-829. Gonzlez-Benito, ., Muoz-Gallego, P. A., Garca-Zamora, E. (2015). Entrepreneurship and market orientation as determinants of innovation: the role of business size.International Journal of Innovation Management,19(04), 1550035. Grohn, K., Moody, K., Wortel, D., LeClair, N., Traina, A., Zluhan, E., Feuer, G. (2015). Lean start-up: A case study in the establishment of affordable laboratory infrastructure and emerging biotechnology business models.Journal of Commercial Biotechnology,21(2). Hong, J., Lu, J. (2016). Assessing the effectiveness of business incubators in fostering SMEs: evidence from China.International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management,20(1-2), 45-60. Kim, S. M. (2014). The impacts of gender differences in social capital on microenterprise business start-up.Affilia,29(4), 404-417. Kuratko, D. F., Hornsby, J. S., Hayton, J. (2015). Corporate entrepreneurship: the innovative challenge for a new global economic reality.Small Business Economics,45(2), 245-253. Nambisan, S., Baron, R. A. (2013). Entrepreneurship in innovation ecosystems: entrepreneurs' self?regulatory processes and their implications for new venture success.Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,37(5), 1071-1097. Renton, M., Daellenbach, U., Davenport, S., Richard, J. (2015). Small but sophisticated: entrepreneurial marketing and SME approaches to brand management.Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship,17(2), 149-164. Sozen, E., ONeill, M. (2018). An Exploration of the Motivations Driving New Business Start-up in the United States Craft Brewing Industry. InCraft Beverages and Tourism, Volume 2(pp. 195-212). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.