Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Saga Of An Entrepreneur Who Changed The Face Of The...

The saga of an entrepreneur who changed the face of the World - BILL GATES Abstract This article deals with the life and career outline of the American Business Magnate and the cofounder and CEO of Microsoft, Bill Gates. The article primarily emphasizes on the inception and proliferation of Microsoft along with some of Gates’ major business strategies which assisted him to become the father of Personal Computers and paved way for his company to deliver high standards of products to the customers. Introduction Very few people might not have heard the name of Bill Gates, a self made multi-billionaire who rose from a humble background to become an American business magnate, investor and philanthropist and is often considered to be the richest man in the world. Gates is one of the best known entrepreneurs of the PC evolution and is best known for his role as the co-founder and the CEO of Microsoft, the multinational American Technology company. Gates has often been criticized for his anti-competitive business modules and his entrepreneurial strategies, reason why his leadership policies have been a constant source of much discussions and dissertations. Gates has authored two books and co-authored several books, which debate the consequences of the personal computer revolution and how he achieved success by integrating business and technology. He has been the highest individual shareholder of Microsoft until May 2014. Gates pursues numerous philanthropic endeavours through hisShow MoreRelatedA n Assessment of the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Nigerian Society: the Examples of Banking and Communication Industries18990 Words   |  76 Pagessocietal Progressiveness, Banking, Communication, Environment. INTRODUCTION At an earlier point in history, societal expectations from business organizations did not go beyond efficient resource allocation and its maximization. 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