Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay on Thorr Motorcycles Case Analysis - 989 Words

Background of Situation Thorr Motorcycles is a company that manufactures 200,000 motorcycles a year. It also licenses T-shirts, shoes, leather goods, toys, and other consumer items. The company currently has a high-brand image manufacturing high-end motorcycles and owns approximately forty percent of market share. The challenge for Thorr is that the industry is growing, but sales of its high-end product are decreasing. The reason for this loss of market share is that the target customers of its high end product is growing older, and younger people do not identify with the brand image of Thorr. In addition, Thorr is a high product and younger people do not have the large disposable income necessary to support the brand.†¦show more content†¦Second, the simulation contradicts itself when it states that a large polygon means more market share. A larger polygon can be created by focusing on other factors than the recommended ones in the simulation. The second step in the simulation is to elect either launching a new product line or repositioning the Thorr brand. I chose to launch an entirely new product line. With the new product line, the pricing I chose will be $13,000 to $15,000 to target the younger crowd. Promotion will take place through Hollywood Films to target the younger generation. Place will be both the internet and the dealer showrooms. The services lineup will include dealer training, customization options, and financial services. I chose this market plan through analyzing the SWOTT analysis, and my choices were dead on with the simulations optimal choices. The third step in the simulation asked to interpret the data from the surveys in a perceptual plot. The interpretation of the data is a subjective measurement, and I did my best to analyze the data. My assumption is that if the company wanted to create a more accurate data plot that they would have customers actually give a one to ten rating on each of the factors outlined. For example, the company would have people number pricing on a scale of one to ten, which would be the same scale of the perceptual map. It isShow MoreRelatedPerceptual Maps in Marketing1180 Words   |  5 PagesPerceptual Maps in Marketing Simulation Summary Thorr Motorcycles, Incorporated manufactures various models of motorcycles, and is a $5 billion company. The CruiserThorr power cruiser model provides the company a high brand image in the market, but sales are decreasing. The company contributes the decline to the aging target customers who purchase the cruiser as a lifestyle symbol, and the high cost of the motorcycle. Thorr must reverse the falling sales by developing a marketing plan with theRead MorePositioning Maps in Marketing: Cruiser Thorr Motorcycles Case Study1057 Words   |  4 PagesCRUISER THORR 6 Positioning maps in marketing: Simulation Phase I: Current market position Situation Cruiser Thorr Motorcycles have long had an esteemed reputation in the heavyweight motorcycle market. But the companys most loyal patrons, who grew up viewing Cruiser Thorr as synonymous with quality, are gradually aging out of these types of motorcycles. Younger consumers are more interested in lighter-weight motorcycles which are cheaper and more in keeping with their budgets and current trendsRead MoreUsing Perceptual Maps in Marketing Simulation Summary1124 Words   |  5 PagesMaps in Marketing Simulation Summary The situation that is being explained in the simulation states of the declining sales of Thorr Motorcycles’s product, the CruiserThorr, because of its previous customers that are aging and no longer interested in what the product stands for. Another factor for the decline includes their younger customers wanting the motorcycle at a lower price for the fact that they would not otherwise have high salaries as in the older age group. These same young customersRead MoreMKT 421 Week 4 Ind Essay1821 Words   |  8 Pagesin Marketing Thorr Motorcycles Thorr Motorcycles, Inc. is manufacturing over 200,000 units annually and has current worth in excess of a billion dollars. Thorr is a leading name and holds around 40% of the total market. It not only sells motorcycles but also offers dealer training, dealer software support and mechanical training. For customers, it offers motorcycle rentals and biker training. Projected image of CruiserThorr is of â€Å"masculinity, mobility, and freedom†. Currently Thorr is experiencing

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